Sunday, February 12, 2012

2012 so far

So how has 2012 been so far?
Not good.

My health has been dreadful. I started off 2012 with a stomach virus and I didn't even get drunk. I had one small glass of champagne at midnight. It took about a week to recover from that.

Then came pharyngitis which I'm still struggling to get rid of, a bad, bad cold with a chesty cough and sinus headaches.

That was followed by pink eye which I've never had in my life. 

Great start eh?

I'm still quite optimistic though about 2012.  There are some great things happening in 2012 - the London Olympics, the elections, and my 50th birthday.

I'm optimistic about finding a better job, maybe even a full-time job. I'm also hopeful that my husband will find some happiness in his job.

I'm looking forward to a real vacation this year. 

Let this year be a great one!

Even my cat, Malcolm, likes being on the computer 
Check for him on the Huffington Post.


  1. It can only get better for you now. Hope it sure does soon and remain positive!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
